Python String strip()

The strip() method removes any leading (starting) and trailing (ending) whitespaces from a given string.


message = '     Learn Python  '

# remove leading and trailing whitespaces print(message.strip())
# Output: Learn Python

String strip() Syntax


strip() Arguments

The method takes an optional parameter - chars:

  • chars - specifies the set of characters to be removed from both the left and right parts of a string

Note: If the chars argument is not provided, all leading and trailing whitespaces are removed from the string.

strip() Return Value

The method returns a string after removing both leading and trailing spaces/characters.

Example 1: Remove Whitespaces From String

string = '  xoxo love xoxo   '

# leading and trailing whitespaces are removed print(string.strip())


xoxo love xoxo

Example 2: Remove Characters From String

string = '  xoxo love xoxo   '

# all <whitespace>,x,o,e characters in the left # and right of string are removed print(string.strip(' xoe'))




  • Removes characters from the left until a mismatch occurs with the characters in the chars argument.
  • Removes characters from the right until a mismatch occurs with the characters in the chars argument.

Example 3: Remove Newline With strip()

We can also remove newlines from a string using the strip() method. For example,

string = '\nLearn Python\n'
print('Original String: ', string)

new_string = string.strip()
print('Updated String:', new_string)


Original String:  
Learn Python

Updated String: Learn Python

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