JavaScript Variable Scope

In JavaScript, the scope of a variable determines where it can be accessed within the code.

Variables can be declared in different scopes:

  • Global Scope
  • Local (Function) Scope
  • Block-Level Scope

For example,

function addNumbers() {
    var sum = 5 + 4;

Here, the sum variable is created inside the addNumbers() function.

So, it's accessible only within that function (local or function scope). This kind of variable is known as a local variable.

Note: Based on the scope they're declared in, variables can be classified as:

  • Global Variables
  • Local Variables
  • Block-Level Variables

JavaScript Local Variables

When variables are declared inside a function, they have a local scope and are accessible only within that function.

These types of variables are called local variables. For example,

function greet() {

// local variable var message = "Hello";
console.log(`Local: ${message}`); } greet(); // try to access message variable // outside the greet() function console.log(`Global: ${message}`);


Local: Hello
... ... ...
ReferenceError: message is not defined

Here, the message variable is local to the greet() function. So, it can only be accessed within that function.

That's why we get an error when we try to access it outside the greet() function.

To fix this issue, we can make the message variable global.

JavaScript Global Variables

In JavaScript, a variable declared outside any function or in the global scope is known as a global variable.

A global variable can be accessed both inside and outside of functions. For example,

// declare global variable var message = "Hello";
function greet() { console.log(`Local: ${message}`); } greet(); console.log(`Global: ${message}`);


Local: Hello
Global: Hello

Here, we can access the message variable from outside of the greet() function.

This is possible because we have created the message variable in the global scope (outside the function).

Thus, message will be accessible from any scope (region) of the program.

Change the Value of a Global Variable Inside a Function

The value of a global variable can be changed inside a function. For example,

// Program to show the change in global variable

let a = "hello";

function greet() { // change value of global variable a a = 3; }
// before the function call console.log(a); // Output: hello greet(); //after the function call console.log(a); // Output: 3

Here, we initialized the global variable a with the string value hello. Then, we changed its value to 3 inside the greet() function.

Note: It is a good practice to avoid using global variables because the value of a global variable can change in different areas of the program. This can lead to unknown results.

Use Variables Without Declaration

In JavaScript, a variable can also be used without declaring it.

If a variable is used without declaring it, that variable automatically becomes a global variable. For example,

function greet() {
    a = "hello"


console.log(a); // hello

In the above program, variable a is a global variable.

Had the variable been declared using let a = "hello", the program would have thrown an error.

Note: JavaScript has a strict mode in which a variable cannot be used without declaring it.

JavaScript Block-Level Variables

JavaScript ES6 introduced block-level scoping with the let and const keywords.

Block-level variables are accessible only within the block {} they are defined in, which can be smaller than a function's scope. For example,

function display_scopes() {
    // declare variable in local scope
    let message = "local";

    if (true) {

// declare block-level variable let message = "block-level";
console.log(`inner scope: ${message}`); } console.log(`outer scope: ${message}`); } display_scopes();


inner: block-level
outer: local

In this example, we have created two separate message variables:

  • Block-Level: The variable inside the if block (visible only there).
  • Local-Level: The variable inside the display_scopes() function.
let is Block-Scoped

The let keyword is block-scoped (the variable can be accessed only in the immediate block).

Let's look at an example.

// Program showing block-scoped concept

// global variable
let a = "Hello";

function greet() {

    // local variable
    let b = "World";

    console.log(a + " " + b);

    if (b == "World") {

        // block-scoped variable
        let c = "hello";

        console.log(a + " " + b + " " + c);

    // variable c cannot be accessed here
    console.log(a + " " + b + " " + c);



Hello World
Hello World hello
... ... ...
ReferenceError: c is not defined


  • a is a global variable. It can be accessed anywhere in the program.
  • b is a local variable. It can be accessed only inside the greet() function.
  • c is a block-scoped variable. It can be accessed only inside the if block.

Hence, in the above program, the first two console.log() statements work without any issues.

However, we get an error when trying to access the block-scoped variable c outside of the if statement.

Also Read:

Video: JavaScript Variable Scope

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