Numpy Error Handling

An error or exception is an unexpected event that occurs during program execution. It affects the flow of the program instructions which can terminate the program abnormally.

Responding or handling exceptions is called Exception Handling.

NumPy provides various ways to handle exceptions that occur during array operations.

Handle Floating-Point Errors in NumPy

In NumPy, the seterr() function sets the way floating-point errors are handled.

It takes several parameters:

  1. divide: specifies the behavior for division by zero or infinity
  2. over: specifies the behavior for floating-point overflow
  3. under: specifies the behavior for floating-point underflow
  4. invalid: specifies the behavior for invalid floating-point operations such as 0/0, inf-inf, and sqrt(-1)

Note: Possible values of all these parameters are "ignore", "warn", "raise", or "call". The default behavior for all types of errors is "warn".

Example 1: NumPy seterr() Function

import numpy as np

# set behavior for division by zero to 'raise'

# divide array1 by array2
array1 = np.array([1, 2, 3])
array2 = np.array([0, 2, 0])
result = np.divide(array1, array2)



FloatingPointError: divide by zero encountered in true_divide

In this example, we have set the behavior for division by zero errors to raise using np.seterr(divide='raise').

This means when np.divide() encounters division by zero during the calculation, it will raise the FloatingPointError error.

If we had set the behavior for division by zero to

  • divide='ignore' - it doesn't raise an error or print a warning message and the output would be [inf 1. inf]
  • divide='warn' - it prints a warning message and also runs the program and the output would be [inf 1. inf]

Example 2: The over Parameter in NumPy seterr() Function

import numpy as np

# set behavior for floating-point overflow to 'raise'

calc1 = np.exp(1000)



FloatingPointError: overflow encountered in exp

In the above example, we set the behavior for floating-point overflow to raise.

We then calculated np.exp(1000), which results in a floating-point overflow because the result of the calculation is too large to be represented by the floating-point data type.

This raises an exception: FloatingPointError: overflow encountered in exp.

Note: If we set np.seterr(under='raise') and calculate np.exp(-1000), this raises an exception: FloatingPointError: underflow encountered in exp.

Example 3: The invalid Parameter in NumPy seterr() Function

In Numpy, we can use the invalid parameter in seterr() to raise an exception when an invalid floating-point operation occurs. For example,

import numpy as np

# set the invalid parameter to 'raise'

# try taking the square root of a negative number
x = np.sqrt(-1)

# Output: FloatingPointError: invalid value encountered in sqrt

Here, we attempted to take the square root of -1, which is an invalid floating-point operation.

As we have set the invalid='raise', NumPy will raise a FloatingPointError.

NumPy try-catch Block

We can use the try...except block in NumPy to handle an error. Here's the syntax of try...except:

    # code that may cause exception
    # code to run when exception occurs

Here, we have placed the code that could potentially raise an exception within the try block. When an exception occurs in the try block, it's caught by the except block.

The try and except block must work together to handle the exception.

Let's see an example.

import numpy as np

array1 = np.array([1, 4, 3])
array2 = np.array([0, 2, 0])

# try to divide the arrays
    result = array1/array2

except ZeroDivisionError as e:
    print("Error: Cannot divide by zero")


runtimewarning: divide by zero encountered in divide

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